December 31, 2011

Post pregnancy

So thanks to my pre-eclamsia, I ended up gaining 50 pounds this pregnancy. Although it was all h20 weight, I was still disappointed that it got that high. But my doctor said if I never got pre-eclamsia then I would have only gained 20-25 pounds, which makes me feel better :) When I went into the doctors (6 days after giving birth) I had already lost 20 pounds. I weighed myself yesterday (9 days after labor) and I have already lost 30 pounds!

10 days- 16 pounds left to lose
13 days- 14.8 pounds left to lose
17-days 12.2 pounds left to lose
21 days- 8.6 pounds left to lose

So I have weighed myself everyday and I guess it's gonna be these last 8 pounds I need to work off....not too bad! Can't wait to hit up the gym!

yours truly, Mr. & Mrs. Johns

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