::these fruit/veggie comparisons make no sense to me::
How far along are you? 37 weeks
How far along are you? 37 weeks
How big is your baby girl? 6.3 lbs
How long is your baby girl? 19.25 inches
Do you have any stretch marks? No
Are you wearing maternity clothes? I like to just wear baggy clothes now adays, especially since I am on bed rest.
How are you sleeping through the night? I am sleeping better. Although I wake up and my whole left side is numb, since I can't turn easily.
What was the best moment this week? We ended up going to L&D yesterday (12.18.11) because we did an at home blood pressure test. It read 155/105. Which was a lot higher then my BP at my doctor's appointment on Friday, which it was 132/84. So we hurried and packed our hospital bag and was prepared to possibly come home with our baby girl. At first I was scared and started balling because I thought I was going to have to have a emergency c-section. Which I really want to have a natural vaginal birth. But I'll do anything for my lil one to be healthy.
When we arrived at L&D they hooked me up to a BP machine and hooked up some tests to hear her heartbeat. They took my BP a couple times after just resting and laying there for a minute. My BP was 117/74 and then 128/74. What a relief. The RN told me it's because I was sitting up when I took the at home BP, but we did the right thing by coming in. They ended up sending us home and I was put on total bed rest. This is going to be a long couple of weeks if she doesn't come soon....
But the best part was the RN told me that she is very active and her heartbeat was perfect. Just to hear my lil girl is strong and sounds perfect and is healthy was music to my ears.
Food cravings: Nothing really.
Movements? Tons of moving around.
Belly button? Still an innie...
What I miss? Being able to get up and do my normal activities.
Labor signs? Braxton hicks and a few contractions. Last time they lasted about 10 minutes, but haven't had any since then.
What I am looking forward to? Going to the doctors today, to find out more information.
Milestone? I am FULL TERM. Baby girl you are more than welcome to come whenever you are ready. Mommy and daddy can't wait to meet you.
yours truly, Mr. & Mrs. Johns
ah! So exciting!!! I cant wait until she comes! She is gong to be perfect!