February 21, 2012

Elliana Rose is 2 months old

Ella our love,

   I can't believe you are 2 MONTHS & you have grown so much. Time flies when your having fun. You have brought so much joy to your mama and dadda's lives.

  • Your hair is lightening up
  • Your eyes are changing from blue to a hazel/green color. Just like your dad. 
  • You are so observant. You love to look at lights and ceiling fans. You love looking at mama and dadda. 
  • You are starting to say Ahhhh & Coooo! 
  • You are sleeping in your crib.
  • You had some pretty bad tummy aches, so mommy eliminated dairy products out of her diet. It seems to helping you out a lot. 
  • You can hold your head up for quite awhile. the best is when I burp you and you just stare at me.
  • You follow daddy around the room....too cute
  • You have given me a big smile!
You mean so much to us and we love you so much.  I continue to pray that you continue to grow and you feel nothing but loved. But for now just stay my little girl :)
                          XOXO Mama & Daddy

Weight: 10.15 pounds (50%)
Length: 22.75 inches (75%)
Head: 15.15 inches (30%)

We have a bedtime routine down. We get you ready for bed around 8:00pm (change your diaper & change you into your nightgown)

Then it's storytime. (So far you like the book "Kisses for Daddy)

Mama will then stuff your tummy full of yummy milk. (You <3 your food)

Then daddy will wrap you up like a little burrito and rock you to sleep...

For the past couple of nights you have been sleeping from 9:30pm to 2:30am (5 hours straight) then mama will feed you & change your diaper and then you go back to sleep. When I put you back to sleep I will rock you. You do the cutest thing, you will peek to make sure I'm there. Then you close your eyes and you have the biggest smile on your face. Melts mama's <3. You then sleep for another 4 hours and will wake up around 7:00am where mama will feed your tummy again.

Mama & Dadda can't thank you enough! We know what sleep is again...

Getting ready for the day
We wake up around 8 to get you ready for the day.

1st we it's bathtime, which you love when mama sings to you.....Splish splash I was taken a bath....and you love to look at your duckies.

You don't like to be cold so I bundle you up in the towel. You hate when we put lotion on you but mama warms it up so you don't mind it too much.

You are so much fun in the morning. You are wide awake and such a happy girl. Filled with smiles & giggles. Some days we just lay in bed and talk. It is the perfect way to start my day. After about 40 minutes you are hungry again, so mama will feed you & you go down for a 2 hour nap.

Nom Nom Nom
You eat about every 2 hours during the day. Although in the evening you tend to eat a little more frequently. Gotta fill that tummy before bedtime :)

Diapers & Clothes
You are on your last package of newborn diapers & sadly I don't think we will be purchasing anymore. You are movin on up to size 1. Luckily we did not have to buy any diapers yet...

Your newborn outfits are getting a little snug. You are now filling out your 0-3 month outfits. So you have a whole new wardwobe :)

My body
Mommy has 1 pound to lose until she is back to her pre-pregnancy weight!

yours truly, Mr. & Mrs. Johns