I started noticing that Ella's belly was a little hard throughout the day and around 6:00pm she gets a little fussy after her feeding. So I did some research and it seems that she has some of the symptoms of GERDs. Or maybe I'm just reading too much stuff on the Internet.
Anyways I went and got her some gripe water, which has helped her tummy.
One thing that helps is not to lie them flat after a feeding. So Nonnie aka my mom, bought her a nanny napper. It has worked miracles for miss Ella. She absolutely loves it & has began sleeping in it.
::The hubbs jokes around that it is the cadillac of baby beds :)
I called her pedi & she told me to try 1/2 ounce of chamomile tea deluted in 1/2 ounce of H20. So I am going to give that a try. Luckily infants grow out of this so hopefully she will soon. Failed: she wouldn't drink the tea...
::It saddens me to see my baby girl in discomfort. I wish I could make everything all better::
On a better note, Ella slept from for 4 1/2 hours last night, which is ALMOST "sleeping thru the night for infants. Hopefully this will continue...
yours truly, Mr. & Mrs. Johns
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