March 7, 2012

Ha Ha Ha

My princess is starting to make tons of noises. Her favorites are Ahhhhhhh! She is so cute. She is starting to smile a lot and she almost laughs......It is on the tip of her tongue :) She has done a few little giggles, but not a full on laugh.

I can't believe how many milestones we have already experienced with my 2 1/2 month old baby girl. Mommy & daddy love you so much. Time flies by when your having fun! Oh &&& can I just say miss Ella slept from 10pm to 4am (6 hours straight) & didn't wake up again till 8:30am (4 hours straight) We pray this is not a one time thing, but a set sleeping schedule for awhile :)

Ella has been holding her head up since she was a few weeks old. But now she is getting to the point where we hold her she can hold her head up on her own for 30 seconds or so.....We have "bumbo time," which she has been doing really well.

yours truly, Mr. & Mrs. Johns

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