Time has flown by. I can't believe you are 3 months today, although I can't remember life without you.... We took you to your first Jazz Game. (Utah's NBA team) You were so good and loved looking at all the lights. Although you did get a little scared when the lights went out and there was a bunch of loud noises. But daddy just cuddled you and told you everything was going to be okay. Then you were a happy girl again.
- You are out of your newborn outfits and are filling out your 0-3 months & 3 month section of your wardwobe.
- You are focusing on things....especially corners, mommy & daddy, toys, and lights.
- You are in size 1 diapers
- You are so smiley and have given us a few little giggles
- You sleep schedule is bedtime around 8:00pm. You usually wake up around 2:45am to eat, then again around 4:30am and then again at 8:30am.
- We took your nanny napper out of your crib, so you are sleeping in your crib like a big girl
- You don't like missing out on things......just like your mama :) So you don't like to take naps, but when you go down your out for about 3-4 hours
- You still HATE the binki, but you are starting to figure out the thumb
- Since we don't have your next doctors appointment until your 4 months we weighed you ourselves. We are guessing you weigh 12.8 pounds! Still love the tatas
- Mommy cut your nails for the 1st time. I was really scared to but we did it piece of cake
- You love to stand up. I swear you are going to walk before you crawl
I am so blessed to have you as my daughter and I hope all the decisions I make to raise you makes your proud to call me your mom. I love you so much baby girl and I can't wait for all the adventures to come!
XOXOXOXO mommy & daddy
yours truly, Mr. & Mrs. Johns
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