I just realized I never posted this. This was the start of our beautiful little Ella!
The 1st time we saw her. Just a tiny heartbeat<3 (6 weeks & 4 days)
The 2nd time we saw our little one. |
The 1st time we heard her heartbeat RPM 136 |
I'm a girl (16 weeks 5 days) |
Her profile, I think she has my nose... (16 weeks & 5 days) |
She loves to suck on her thumb, so cute! (20 weeks & 6 days) |
Our story: We scheduled our first appointment (Wednesday) when I was 6 weeks and 4 days along, so we thought. We were so excited to go see our lo for the first time. When we went in for our first doctors appointment, we just saw a sac. The Dr. told us that it could be an ectopic pregnancy
(An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a pregnancy starts outside the womb (uterus.) Or the baby just didn't attach to my uterus wall and wasn't growing. He then told us to come back that Friday and hopefully we will see something. The hubbs and I couldn't stop ourselves from crying. I had to go straight to work after the appointment, so I had to put on a happy face, but all I could think of was the news I heard a few hours prior to my shift. So the hubbs and I prayed and comforted each other until our appointment that Friday (longest 2 days of our lives).
So that Friday we went in with a positive attitude that I was just earlier than expected and we would be able to see our lo this time. Two tiny lil dots appeared in my uterus! The Dr. told us Congratulations, you were just a little earlier than we thought!
It's been such an amazing journey watching our little girl grow from the tiny little dot to a baby with 10 toes and fingers. It is truly amazing what a woman's body can do in just 10 months. I can't wait to hold her, love her, cuddle her, feed her, bathe her, rock her or just watch her sleep. I can't wait to meet you little one and mommy and daddy love you so much!
yours truly, Mr. & Mrs. Johns
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