July 21, 2012

Elliana Rose is 7 months old

Wow. 7 Months. Love you and your little diva personality (Just like mom!) Baby girl I can't believe you are growing up right before our eyes and not to mention, too fast. You are everything to mommy & daddy and we can't thank God enough for blessing us with such a bundle of joy.
  • You sit up on your own
  • You talk constantly
  • You got your 1st tooth on the 4th of July & your second within days
  • You want to crawl but haven't figured out to work your arms and legs in sync
  • Your show your personality to the world
  • You have tried applesauce, sweet peas, rice cereal, sweet potatos & bananas which mommy makes for you
  • You learned to reach your arms up when you want to be held
  • You try pulling yourself up to a standing position
  • You love to grab everything & it ends up in your mouth
  • You have stranger anxiety. you love mama & dada
Weight: 17.14 lbs (75%)
Height: 27 inches (90%)

Clothes: You are in your 6 month & 6-9 month section
Diapers: You just barely switched to size 3
Sleep: You are downt o 2 naps now. Once at 11am and another at 4pm. Bedtime is at 8pm.

Love you baby girl.


  1. Aww she's growing so fast! It's amazing how much she has learned in a month :) I'm so glad I finally found your blog! Your web design is so cute, your friend did a great job!

  2. Hey Mare, I'm glad you found me too! Do you have a blog? I know she has changed so much since you guys have seen her. My baby girl is getting so BIG. How are you and Yum Yum and baby Cody :P Miss you guys! Plan your trip out here soon.
