January 18, 2012

Happy 1 Month baby girl

Dear Elliana Rose,
My princess. My angel. My world.

We had your 1 month appointment yesterday.

  • You are in the 3%
  • You weigh 6 pounds 9 ounces
  • You are now 20 3/4 inches long
  • You love to look at the lights
  • You smile when nonnie plays peek-a-boo with you
  • You do tummy time, and have rolled over twice. 
  • You love to stretch from your fingertips to your toes.
  • You are so strong and lift your head
  • We are still working on sleeping at nighttime (hope this happens sooner than later)
  • You only cry when you are hungry, and when you are hungry there is no messing around :)
  • You are starting to notice things and smile a lot more
  • We had your "newborn" pictures done. You did not like being naked & peed on mommy twice and daddy once. 
  • You have mommy's olive coloring, you'll thank me for that later in life
  • You are a grunter in your sleep & when you eat
  • You love to be held
  • You love to stick your toungue out
  • You make the cutest faces. Kissy, where you pucker your lips together. Mad where your bottom lip quivers. Smiles, which melts my heart.
  • You love bathtime, but you hate putting lotion on

I can't believe you are 1 month today! Time has flown by and I love watching you grow (although I want you to stay little forever). You have only been in my arms for 4 weeks, but I cannot imagine life without you. You are so loved by so many people, especially mommy & daddy. You truly are the best gift from God and I am so thankful to call you my daughter. Happy 1 Month beautiful girl.

xoxoxox Mommy


  1. She is gorgeous!!!! Bath video is too cute!

  2. OMG Brittany, she is seriously the cutest little baby ever! I love seeing your videos of her! Honestly, I do not normally think newborns are very cute (I know, I am mean like that) but I am not even kidding, she is a major exception! haha She is so adorable! I can't wait to see her grow! :)

  3. @Alyse, thank you. She loves bath time :)
    @Katie, your too sweet. I may be biast, but I think she is pretty cute :)
