January 6, 2012

Life as I know it.

We have had a rough start. Between having a c-section and recovering myself and adjusting to motherhood. I was dianosed with mastasis on Tuesday (January 3rd). So now I am on antibiotics for the next 14 days. I woke up with a fever and chills although I was burning up. I ended up waking up the hubbs to take my temperture (101.3) My left breast was burning hot, red & swollen. So we ended up going to the doctors where they confirmed that I had mastasis. Could anything go right?!

On a better note....We went in yesterday for Miss Ella's 2 week check up. It went really well since her 1 week check up, where I had a small melt down...I blame it on the raging hormones.

Weighed: 5 pounds 10 ounces
Height: 18 inches

Going home
Weighed: 5 pounds 2 ounces
Height: 18 inches

1 week check-up
Weighed: 5 pounds 3 ounces
Height: 18 inches
Her jaundice level went from 10 when we left the hospital to 14.3
So we had to go back the next day to do more blood tests to make sure it wasn't rising. It went down to 14.1, so her pedi. said that was good news & she would just see us at her 2 week appointment.

2 weeks check-up
Weighed: 5 pounds 11 ounces, the most she has ever weighed.
Height: 19 1/2 inches
They didn't have to check her jaundice level!!
All 'n all her pedi. said she is a beautiful healthy baby girl!

Also she is so strong already. Even the nurses were surprised in the hospital. I started tummy time with her since she rolls & lifts her head up. On Wednesday (January 4.2011) we did some tummy time & she rolled over onto her back. Made mommy so proud!

But despite this bump in the road, my daughter is worth it all. Just taking it day by day and enjoying every moment with her, because she won't be this little for long.

yours truly, Mr. & Mrs. Johns


  1. You poor thing! I just went through your last few posts and I have to say our deliveries were very similar... I also had pre-eclampsia and had to deliver early by emergency C... and while I was breast feeding I could tell I was starting to develop mastitis so I pumped and pumped like CRAZY, took hot showers, massaged my glands (weird, I know), etc.. until I stopped being swollen and I never actually developed it... I'm sorry you had to go through all that! I'm pg with my 2nd now and hoping I don't develop the pre-eclampsia again... your daughter is beautiful, best of luck to you! :)

  2. It's good to know that I am not the only one that had a rough start. Did you pump after breast feeding every time? I am massage them like crazy. Hopefully this will pass quickily...

  3. P.S. Good luck with this pregnancy. I heard that usually you only get pre-eclamsia once...hope thats true!
