Another month has come and gone. Time is flying by and I am trying to soak in all the little moments. I love watching all your firsts. It's a lot harder this round, since sissy is a very active 2.5 year old. She loves to give you your binky and covers you with your blanket. She loves to give you hugs and kisses. You are just so squishy and I am so proud of all your accomplishments thus far. Can't wait to watch you grow.
- You are able to see objects further away
- You are Mr. Smiley
- You go every 2-3 hours during the day to eat.
- You usually sleep from 9pm-2am then wake up around 4am and 6am to feed. I am trying to cut out the 4am feeding
- You do tummy time for about 10-15 minutes a day
- You love to rock in your swing
- You love to be held
- You are a grunter when you eat
- You are still a cuddler
- You love your baths
- You follow objects & voices
- You can grasp a hold of toys fingers, hair strands & mom's necklace
- You sit in your bumbo for about 15 minutes at a time
- We tried out the jumperoo and highchair and you do so well in both
- You are in your 6 month clothes and some 6-9 month onesies.
- You are in size 2 diapers
- You talk a lot more and have gotten some cute noises out
- You began rolling on your right side
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