Weight: 19.06lbs (97%)
Height: 26.5ins (92%)
Head Circumference: 44.5cm (95%)
- You are starting to reach out and grab things, purposely
- You have a smile that brightens up my days
- You go every 2-3 hours during the day to eat
- You usually sleep from 8pm-2am then wake up around 4am and 6am to feed then sleep till about 8/9 or whenever sissy wakes you up :P
- You do tummy time for about 10-15 minutes a day and hold your head up the whole time
- You love to rock in your swing, but mommy started putting you in your pack 'n play for naps
- You love to be held, and have the saddest whimper when I put you down
- You love to be held straight up. You don't want to miss a thing
- You love your baths
- You turn your head to follow voices and objects
- You have a tight grip & grab for everything
- You love to sit in your bumbo when mommy gets ready, and you usually have a blow out in it
- You love your jumperoo and have started playing with the toys attached to it
- You are still in your 6 month clothes and some 6-9 month onesies.
- You are in size 3 diapers
- You have a contagious laugh
- You are drooling a lot, which means you are getting a toofer (same time as sissy started getting her first tooth)
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